Beautiful Cremation Urns for Ashes chosen with Compassion...
Each urn in our collection has been chosen with compassion, tenderness and the intention to hold a loved one's ashes with love and dignity. Our urns are designed with understated elegance to look beautiful at a memorial service or celebration of life and to suit your flower arrangement and personal style. If you want to keep your loved one's ashes in a special place in your home, our urns are heartfelt and beautiful pieces to keep and hold the ashes of your loved one.
Our urns are comprised from the highest quality materials and are environmentally friendly. In your home the urns will last indefinitely just like any traditional urn. However, when placed in the ground and exposed to the elements, the urns will over time become one with nature again and will leave no trace in the environment.
We hope that on our website you will find a beautiful urn to keep and honour your loved one's ashes.
With love, Urns by Atemo
Shop our best selling urns

Golden Tree of Life Urn

Black Tree of Life Urn

Eucalyptus Watercolour Urn

Compassionate Buddha Urn

Rooms of Remembrance
A funeral urn will be the last home and vessel for the ashes of a loved one. We think, that an urn chosen with love is a beautiful way to honour and keep a passed loved one's ashes. The design of our urns also leaves a little space, if you would like to place a personal keepsake, a message or token of love into the urn.
Our urns will look beautiful in a special place in your home as long as you like or until you are ready to find a peaceful resting place in nature.

In Harmony with Nature...
More and more people are trying to live their lives gently and with a lower impact on the environment and the Earth's natural resources, and would like to continue to do this on their last journey. Choosing an environmentally friendly urn means choosing a kinder and ecological alternative and is a beautiful way to honour your loved one as well as honouring the earth. In a special place in your home our urns will last indefinitely like any traditional urn would. Only when placed in the ground and exposed to the elements, the urns will over time become one with the eternal cycle of life again and will leave no trace in the environment.